I have already documented running the
The first step is to create the (test) app project. I created a Cordova 2.0 project using the command line tool create as documented here and here.
Next I follow the directions from SQLCipher for iOS integration to build the project with SQLCipher (hold off on the integration code for now). For this case I am using OpenSSL 1.0.1c. Download from http://www.openssl.org/source/ and extract.
Under the project folder, git clone git://github.com/sqlcipher/sqlcipher.git and git://github.com/sqlcipher/openssl-xcode.git
Now open the app project, open Xcode --> Preferences menu, Locations, Source Trees, then add the setting OPENSSL_SRC that points to the location of the extracted OpenSSL source tree.
Add the subproject references for the sqlcipher xcodeproject and openssl-xcode/openssl.xcodeproj. I selected the top-level project item and alt-command-a to add each subproject reference.
Configure build dependencies: select the app target, click the build phases tab, and add the target dependencies both openssl/crypto and sqlcipher. Under link binary with libraries section add libcrypto.a and libsqlcipher.a but make sure there is no libsqlite3 library.
Holding off on setting build architectures
-DSQLITE_HAS_CODEC for both debug and release projects. It should now be possible to build the project.
Building with SQLitePlugin: add the SQLitePlugin.[hm] to the Xcode project Plugins folder and the project should still build. Make the following patch to SQLitePlugin.m:
$ git diff Plugins/SQLitePlugin.m
diff --git a/iOS/Plugins/SQLitePlugin.m b/iOS/Plugins/SQLitePlugin.m
index 444a78b..65b5b61 100644
--- a/iOS/Plugins/SQLitePlugin.m
+++ b/iOS/Plugins/SQLitePlugin.m
@@ -70,7 +70,10 @@
[self respond:callback withString:@"{ message: 'Unable to open DB' }" withType:@"error"];
+ const char* key = [@"BIGSecret" UTF8String];
+ sqlite3_key(db, key, strlen(key));
NSValue *dbPointer = [NSValue valueWithPointer:db];
[openDBs setObject:dbPointer forKey: dbPath];
[self respond:callback withString: @"{ message: 'Database opened' }" withType:@"success"];
and build should still be working. Add SQLitePlugin to Cordova.plist resources, Install SQLitePlugin.js into the www directory, add a small test program using the SQLitePlugin, and try running.
To be honest, I do not really like the number of external projects that have to be assembled and cobbled together to make SQLCipher work with the Cordova-SQLitePlugin for a Cordova project. I would like to find a solution that allows someone to just setup a simple project, add some files as necessary, and run.